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The Japanese Embassy Celebrates 30 Years of Egyptian-Japanese Partnership with the “Kusanone” Program

By: Amira El-Sherif

Today, Thursday, the Japanese Ambassador to Cairo, Oka Hiroshi, hosted an event at his residence to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Egyptian-Japanese partnership under the “Kusanone” program. The event was attended by Minister of Social Solidarity Dr. Nevine El-Qabbaj, Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, a member of the Solidarity Committee in the House of Representatives, and a delegation from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The meeting focused on the Japanese government’s initiative to support developmental projects implemented by local NGOs in Egyptian communities. Discussions also covered updates on the “Kusanone” program, which operates under a technical cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Social Solidarity and JICA.

In his speech, Ambassador Oka Hiroshi highlighted the crucial role that NGOs and civil society organizations play in Egypt’s development. He emphasized the significance of the Japanese Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (Kusanone), implemented in collaboration with Egypt’s Ministry of Social Solidarity, aimed at improving educational and healthcare services and providing essential infrastructure in underserved areas.

This program provides non-profit funding directly to NGOs in Egypt through the Japanese embassy, celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

Dr. Nevine El-Qabbaj praised the strong historical ties between Egypt and Japan and their shared developmental goals. She stressed the importance the Egyptian government places on cooperation with Japan, noting that since 1994, the Japanese embassy has granted approximately $10 million to support 179 NGO projects in Egypt. These projects span various developmental fields, including educational and healthcare services and essential infrastructure in the most needy areas.

Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania Al-Mashat expressed the Egyptian government’s appreciation for its collaborative relationship with Japan, which has resulted in significant partnerships in strategic sectors that enhance human capital investment, such as health and education development. She also noted Japan’s contributions to infrastructure development and renewable energy efforts, supporting inclusive and sustainable growth.

During the event, representatives from several NGOs presented their developmental project achievements, reflecting the extensive efforts and progress made in promoting sustainable and inclusive development across various sectors in local communities.

This meeting underscored the strong partnership between Egypt and Japan and reaffirmed both parties’ commitment to continuing their cooperation in various developmental fields to achieve common goals and build a better future for local communities.

The “Kusanone” program aims to provide direct financial assistance to NGOs, community-based organizations, and local communities to implement developmental projects that meet the needs of the most disadvantaged populations. The program focuses on improving essential services such as education, healthcare, water supply, sanitation, and infrastructure in underserved areas.

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