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Greek Ambassador to Egypt: Tourism a Key Priority for Egypt and Greece

By: Amira El-Sherif


Greek Ambassador to Egypt, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, emphasized that tourism holds a significant place in the priorities of both Egypt and Greece, providing an opportunity to enhance bilateral cooperation. This cooperation is bolstered by the rich culture and unique history of both nations, which attract tourists from around the world.

This statement was made according to a press release issued by the Arab Women Investors Union (AWIU) yesterday, during the ambassador’s reception of a delegation from the Union, led by Dr. Hoda Yassa.

The Greek ambassador praised the role of the AWIU in supporting cultural ties between Greece, Egypt, and Arab countries.

Ambassador Papageorgiou invited Dr. Hoda Yassa, President of the AWIU, to attend a special reception at the Greek embassy. The reception was held in honor of the Greek National Opera Ballet’s visit to Egypt, with a performance scheduled at the Cairo Opera House on Thursday. The event was organized by the Egyptian-Greek International Cooperation Committee of the Union, headed by Ambassador Mero Kessisoglu, as part of the initiative “For Your Country, Our Arab Unity, and Our International Cooperation.”

Dr. Hoda Yassa highlighted that Egypt and Greece share excellent bilateral relations in various fields, including cultural relations. She pointed out that the Greek National Opera’s first visit to Egypt will contribute to boosting joint cultural and educational tourism.

Ambassador Mero Kessisoglu stated that the visit of the Greek National Opera underscores the significant role of culture in fostering relations between countries and peoples. It also contributes to establishing partnerships and networks to address the rapid global challenges and changes.

The event was attended by Dr. Talaat Abdel Qawi, President of the General Federation of NGOs and Foundations, Engineer Rami Ghali, Vice President of “Youth Capable,” and a large delegation from the AWIU and the Businesswomen’s Development Association.

The reception, held at the Greek ambassador’s residence, aimed to strengthen Egyptian-Greek cultural relations and was attended by Ambassador Mero Kessisoglu, Chair of the Egyptian-Greek Cooperation Committee at the AWIU.

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