El Mes de la Historia de la Mujer

Embajada de los Estados Unidos
Statement from consignor Ken Salazar
El Mes de la Historia de la Mujer y Building societies involves more
City of Mexico, 28th from March 2024 – In the United States, every year in memorymos The Mes de la Historia de la Mujer like a reconocimiento A sus Posts, Logros and Liderazgo. As our societies have advanced equality and inclusion, this is also the case Sirve SectionThinking about the path to the recorder So that girls and women can come alive There is no violence and no parejo alcanzar su maximo potencial. This is a task that all and sundry must share, not just in the United States and Mexico global behavior.
In the Embajada of the United States and our new Consulates General en Mexico The Orgullo sought to stimulate the talent, ingenuity and ability of children, young people and womenLientes y decide to try or have the technique of the crystal The suelo deje de estar pegajoso para Build more societies than e.g included Open the doors and create opportunities for more women and everything else.
They are young, young and female, our inspiring and transforming societies. It is an honorary member for me Metas y ayuden more people than lograrlASHow Elizabeth Chávez, participant of the Academia para Mujeres Emprendedoras (AWE), queen An example of women’s transformation and resilience. a la par de You acquire your own craft business and also fund the organization “Jalisco Women” to reach out to women who are victims of domestic violence.
Other examples, donkey Group of students they met de Baja California Sur and that is Integrated through Carina Nirvana, Adriana, Anna and Mía. Ellas ganaron el concurso Kid Wind Challengee empleando I am awesome con Projects belonging to América del Nortee consolidate como A potency and energy limpias.
Kristina Giles, a Mexican artist Afrodescendient de León, Guanajuato, fundó TETEU Arte & Títeres. TRabajó with children and children of the community Afrodescendient de los Mascogos In El Nacimiento, Coahuila, to recover traditional songs,stir upando El Desarrollo Musical And the creativity desde la niñez.
The case of Guillermina Cabrera, tax specialist de Trata de Personas del Estado de Mexico, destaca la labor de Miles of women who Trabajan en Material de Security and justice, contributionDo A diary of our Gobiernos’ protective powers to protect our nations.
Trabajamos con El Gobierno de Mexico, Come on State governments, the private sector, academia and civil society to ensure women have access to public spaces And Sean has read his exit stories again and again to provide societies with more content. Among other things casespodemos resaltar lo siguientes esfuerzos:
El rIt is crucial for women to protect the safety and bee starling of our homeland
• Since 2015, he has contributed to the education of more than 65 million women concerned with security and justice in Mexicode las cuales, More than 800 participants in the last 12 months.
Academia for Women Emprendedoras
• Desde 2019, He believes that the Orgullo has unleashed the creativity and talent of more than 700 female entrepreneurs MexicanQuienes Han recibidoCapacities in commercial areas, markets, advertising, commercial aircraft and the development of their products.
• This year, 700 entrepreneurs Han involved de AWE yla Mitad de ellas provide de los sietes estados del sur-sureste de México Section Promover el desarrollo In this region.
Intercambios académicos for most women alcances sus suenos
• Educational exchange is an excellent form of conveying women’s empowerment. Because Fulbright-García Robles allows more women to study in the United States, it expands their opportunities and potential.
The T-MEC and laboratory conditions for women
• Bajo el T-MEC, Departamento del Trabajo de los Estados Unidos Trabaja with Mexican authorities, women, laboratory organizations and companies to expand the number of women in cargoes and ensure general protection Section Avoid discrimination.
The deportation takes place in the same way as that of the woman’s employer
• Through initiatives and mutual sporting activities, the inclusion and empowerment of women was promoted. We’re working with the NFL to get young girls and young women involved Tochito NFL. As part of the participation in the United States, invited in honor of the Festival Cervantino, several children and young people took part.
El liderazgo de las women de las areas STEAM
• Nuestros países colaboran para Consolidate North and South America with economic potential and efficient energy supply Electromobility. Por medium de initiativas como Jóvenes en Acción y Jóvenes Líderes de las Américas (YLAI)Apoyamos A These are more children, young people and women It is integrated into STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) To stimulate your talent.
Desarrollando vínculos entre Lideresas empresariales
• Con la iniciativa Women Take the leadership Promote women’s attention and promote the generation of young women entrepreneurs.
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