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  • Photo of GIZ Egypt: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development

    GIZ Egypt: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development

    By: Nessma Youssef   The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ-Egypt) recently organized a distinguished exhibition on inclusive and sustainable urban development. The event saw the participation of Mario Zander, Director of Middle East Affairs at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, along with numerous prominent figures. Event Themes: The event, organized by GIZ in collaboration with UN-Habitat…

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  • Photo of Frank Hartmann, German Ambassador in Cairo, Extends Warm Eid Greetings and Explores the Tradition of Eid Cookies

    Frank Hartmann, German Ambassador in Cairo, Extends Warm Eid Greetings and Explores the Tradition of Eid Cookies

      As the holy month of Ramadan ended, Frank Hartmann, the German Ambassador to Cairo, extended heartfelt Eid greetings to his Egyptian friends and Muslims around the world. In a message of solidarity and cultural exchange, Ambassador Hartmann delves into the tradition of Eid cookies, known as “Kahk al-Eid,” and seeks to understand its significance in the rich history of…

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  • Photo of Glimpse: Frank Hartmann’s Diplomatic Journey

    Glimpse: Frank Hartmann’s Diplomatic Journey

        Early Life and Education Born on July 11, 1965, in Aachen, Hartmann embarked on his diplomatic journey after completing his studies. He pursued International Relations and Chinese Studies at the Free University of Berlin, graduating with a diploma in Political Science. His educational journey included a significant period abroad at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, enriching his…

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  • Photo of Germany provides €45 million for UNRWA’s regional work in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank.

    Germany provides €45 million for UNRWA’s regional work in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank.

    By: Fatma Badawi Germany has allocated €45 million to support the regional work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank. Of this amount, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is contributing €22 million: €15 million to support basic health and education…

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  • Photo of Hartmann Explores Bilateral Cooperation with Damietta Governor

    Hartmann Explores Bilateral Cooperation with Damietta Governor

    German Ambassador Hartmann met with the current Governor of Damietta, Dr. Manal 🇪🇬Awad, this week to discuss potential areas of bilateral cooperation. Following the meeting, a visit to the port of Damietta took place, where German companies Eurogate and Hapag-Lloyd, in partnership with the Italian company Contship, are constructing a second container terminal using the latest technology, with an investment…

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  • Photo of German President Sends Well Wishes to Her Royal Highness Catherine, Princess of Wales

    German President Sends Well Wishes to Her Royal Highness Catherine, Princess of Wales

      German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has extended heartfelt wishes for a full recovery to Her Royal Highness Catherine, Princess of Wales, following her courageous and encouraging words about her illness. In a touching message, President Steinmeier expressed admiration for the fortitude with which Princess Catherine is facing her health challenges, and conveyed his sincere hopes for her strength and well-being.…

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  • Photo of Cologne Central Mosque: A Symbol of Integration in Germany

    Cologne Central Mosque: A Symbol of Integration in Germany

      by: Fatima Badawi The Cologne Central Mosque stands as one of Germany’s most significant mosques, representing not only a place of worship but also an architectural icon aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Designed in the Ottoman architectural style, with glass walls, two minarets, and a dome, the mosque is one of the largest in…

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  • Photo of German Ambassador Frank Hartmann and Egyptian Minister Sahar Gendi Collaborate to Address Migration Challenges and Enhance Opportunities

    German Ambassador Frank Hartmann and Egyptian Minister Sahar Gendi Collaborate to Address Migration Challenges and Enhance Opportunities

      In a significant diplomatic encounter, Ambassador Sahar Ghandi, Minister of State for Emigration and Egyptian Expatriate Affairs, welcomed Ambassador Frank Hartmann, the German Ambassador to Egypt, for discussions aimed at strengthening collaboration in the field of migration. The meeting, held recently, highlighted the shared commitment of both countries to address challenges related to migration and employment opportunities for their…

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  • Photo of Annalena Baerbock’s Message of Solidarity and Reflection on the Start of Ramadan

    Annalena Baerbock’s Message of Solidarity and Reflection on the Start of Ramadan

        Annalena Baerbock, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany delivered a poignant message on the occasion of the start of Ramadan, expressing solidarity with those facing challenges during this holy month. Her speech resonated with empathy and a call for mutual understanding in times of adversity. Baerbock began by acknowledging the start of Ramadan, a significant time for…

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  • Photo of Egypt and Germany Sign Memorandum to Establish Up to 100 Egyptian-German Schools

    Egypt and Germany Sign Memorandum to Establish Up to 100 Egyptian-German Schools

      By Nisma Youssef March7, 2024 On Thursday, the Ministry of Education, represented by Minister Reda Hegazy, and the German Foreign Ministry, represented by Ralph Beste, Director of the Culture and Society Department at the German Foreign Ministry, along with German Ambassador to Cairo Frank Hartmann, signed a memorandum of understanding at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Education…

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