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Ambassador of Angola Extends Ramadan Greetings to Egyptian People

[Cairo, Egypt] – As the holy month of Ramadan commences, Ambassador Nelson Manual Cosme of Angola to Egypt extends his warmest wishes and greetings to the Egyptian people. In a heartfelt message, Ambassador Cosme emphasizes the strong historical ties and friendship between Angola and Egypt, highlighting the significance of unity and collaboration during this auspicious time.

Ramadan holds great importance for Muslims worldwide, symbolizing a period of spiritual reflection, solidarity, and compassion. Ambassador Cosme underscores the shared values and mutual respect between Angola and Egypt, emphasizing the need to strengthen these bonds further.

In his message, Ambassador Cosme expresses his hope for deeper connections between the two nations, not only on a spiritual level but also in terms of economic collaboration. He extends an invitation to explore avenues for future business partnerships, leveraging the unique strengths and resources of both countries for mutual benefit.


Message from Ambassador Nelson Manual Cosme:

“Dear Esteemed Egyptian Friends,

As we commence the auspicious month of Ramadan, I extend my warmest greetings and heartfelt wishes to you and your families. Ramadan symbolizes a time of profound reflection, spirituality, and unity, and it is my privilege to convey this message of goodwill on behalf of the people of Angola.

Throughout history, Angola and Egypt have shared deep-rooted friendship ties, serving as strong allies in times of need. Our nations have stood together through challenges and triumphs, fostering mutual respect and understanding. As we embark on this sacred month, let us honor our historical friendship and reaffirm our commitment to strengthening our bond even further.

In the spirit of Ramadan, let us come together as brothers and sisters, transcending borders and differences. This holy month presents an opportunity for us to deepen our connections, not only spiritually but also economically. It is my fervent hope that we can explore avenues for future business collaboration, leveraging our shared values and strengths to create mutually beneficial opportunities.

As Ambassador of Angola to Egypt, I extend my sincere wishes for a blessed Ramadan to all Egyptian people. May this month be a time of profound spiritual growth, peace, and prosperity for us all. Let us embrace the spirit of unity and cooperation as we look towards a future filled with promise and opportunity.

Ramadan Kareem!

Nelson Manual Cosme Ambassador of Angola to Egypt”



The Ambassador’s message resonates with the spirit of Ramadan, promoting unity, cooperation, and goodwill. He extends his heartfelt wishes for a blessed Ramadan to all Egyptian people, emphasizing the importance of peace, prosperity, and harmony during this sacred month.

Ambassador Cosme’s message reflects the commitment of Angola to nurturing strong diplomatic relations with Egypt and fostering greater understanding and collaboration between the two nations.

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