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7 unique spa treatments from around the world


Being pampered at spas is an essential part of luxury travel for many people. While there’s nothing wrong with conventional treatments, some travelers are looking for a spa treatment that’s a little different – ​​and we’re not talking about sand baths and seaweed wraps. In this guide we visit the place where innovation meets wellness and take a look at 7 truly unique spa treatments from around the world. From Poland to Indonesia, let’s explore 7 of the most unique spa treatments in the world. So sit back, relax and let’s dive in!

Snake massage in Indonesia

Imagine that you are lying on a massage table, ready for the warm oils, and suddenly you feel something sliding on your back. It may make you squirm, but this treatment, known as snake massage or snake therapy, is a well-known spa treatment that is especially popular in Indonesia.

So how does this treatment work? Trained therapists come out with a (non-poisonous) tube and place it on your back. They allow the hose to move freely, or guide the hose to specific areas where tension or discomfort occurs. Their gliding motion creates a very unique feeling that many people say is relaxing and soothing. In addition, many people also believe that snake therapy stimulates the production of endorphins!

Lithotherapy in Brazil

Brazil is rich in quartz deposits and is a hotspot for crystal healing – also called lithotherapy. In short, lithotherapy is about using crystals to help our bodies and minds feel their best. The basis of lithotherapy is that all natural things have vibrations and energy. This also includes crystals. Building on that theory, lithotherapy suggests that the energy these crystals release can sync with the body’s energies, balancing, clearing, and purifying our chakras.

There is no definitive science behind the treatment, but many people swear by it because each crystal has a unique structure and energy. They are placed on different parts of the body and are supposed to remove all negative energy, while promoting the inflow of positive energy.

3. Elephant therapy in Thailand

Based on a historically deep respect for elephants, elephant therapy is a unique path to healing and well-being.

Through a series of highly structured interactions, people spend time doing activities such as eating, bathing and walking alongside the elephants. It is said that spending time in the elephants’ natural rhythm creates a space for self-reflection and vulnerability, as people embark on a journey of self-discovery with these gentle giants.

Halotherapy in Poland

Halotherapy, better known as salt therapy, is an age-old practice that involves spending time in an enclosed space and breathing in small dry salt particles. The fine salt particles have been shown to repair skin cells, prevent aging and soothe respiratory conditions such as asthma.

It’s a simple process that started when miners in salt caves in Poland discovered that their breathing problems decreased when they spent time in the caves. Since then it has grown to the point where you can spend time in a specially designed spa, or spend a night in a real salt mine deep underground!

Nightingale facials in Japan

Also known as uguisu no fun, this skincare routine is not for germaphobes! It is reported to have great benefits for skin rejuvenation and brightening. The special ingredient? Bird droppings.

Particularly the droppings of the nightingale. The enzymes in the nightingale’s feces help gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and impurities to create a smoother complexion. In addition, there is a high concentration of guanine – which is said to give the skin a radiant glow. The nightingale’s feces are disinfected, powdered and mixed with water to create a paste that is applied to the skin. Despite the fact that it is quite gross at first glance, uguisu no fun remains a popular spa treatment in Japan.

Cactus therapy in Mexico

Don’t worry, this is not a strange form of acupuncture. Cactus therapy is a form of massage in which cacti with blunted or removed thorns are scrubbed over the skin. The leaves of the cactus are soaked in warm water before being scrubbed over your skin. The reason it’s such a great idea?

For starters, it’s great for exfoliating. Secondly, some of the cacti used in the treatment are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, all of which are great for your skin. While it is especially helpful for those with dry skin, everyone can (and should) enjoy this unique treatment.

Psammotherapy in Morocco

You may have heard of volcanic sand baths – and an ancient tradition of covering people in sand heated by geothermal volcanic activity. It is said to be great for the skin and body. This one is a little different. These sand baths date back hundreds of years and are certainly not suitable for everyone.

The process involves going into the Merzouga Desert in Morocco and hitting the sand in the middle of the desert – where it is about 45°C. It is scorching hot and people are not allowed to spend more than ten minutes in the sand. When they come out, they should be covered with a warm towel as the temperature change can cause their body to go into shock!

So why is this popular in the first place? It is said to remove toxins from the body and has proven incredibly useful in treating rheumatism, arthritis, back pain and skin diseases. But keep in mind that you can only do this between June and September, and you will need a doctor’s note before you can go into the sand!

Efrat Sagi-Ofir

Efrat Sagi-Ofir is CRO and founder of Air Doctor. Air Doctor is a startup that connects travelers to a global network of 20,000 local doctors through an easy-to-use app, so they can receive appropriate medical care anywhere in the world. If you would like to be a guest blogger on A Luxury Travel Blog to increase your profile, please contact us.

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